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Taking Action In Times of Crisis

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High Schoolers For Front Liners

Message from High Schoolers For Frontliners President Allison Moon:


We are a student-led organization called "High Schoolers for Front Liners" or HSFL. Our team is made up of over 50 high school and middle school students who work together to donate masks every week to facilities across Maryland. Because of draining medical supplies and little action from the government, we began this project to help frontline responders get the masks they need. To this day, we have donated over 5,500 masks and are also donating to Detention Centers. I believe that the inmate population is one group that is highly overlooked throughout all of America, yet face worse conditions (like crowded dormitories or sharing lavatories) that make them more liable for infection. To help prevent that spread, we donate to their facilities too. 


This project began around four months ago when stumbled on an article online about how some front line responders were having to sew their very own masks. I thought this would be an opportunity to give back to the community in some capacity. I believe that even as students, there is a level of personal responsibility each person has. This was my chance to give back and provide a source of untapped support for hospitals. And although it is difficult to organize with 50 students and coordinate every week to donate masks, the response from the nurses who collect our masks, the thank you notes, and the effort of our entire team makes everything worthwhile. I firmly believe we are saving lives. 


If there is one thing I would like to say, however, it's that I'm so grateful for every single volunteer who decided to become a part of our team. It's amazing and astounding and just incredible how much work they put into it. They make our project what it is. 


Otherwise, we are looking to continue to spread the word about our project. Even though we are able to donate hundreds of masks every week, it is still not enough to meet the demand of hospitals and detention centers. If there is anyone who would like to volunteer their time, please send me an email at


Here are all our socials: 

Our Instagram: @students4frontline

Our Facebook:

Our Twitter: @students4front1 

Other Non-Profit Organizations

Many non-profit organizations are in need of help during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have listed the websites of some of them so that you can help out!





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Email us at  to submit your own sticker design that you would like to be sold in our shop! 

We are currently looking for stickers with positive messages regarding the pandemic. We would love you see what you come up with!

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If you are an organization looking for volunteers, please fill out the form on the side to be added to our list!

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